Grab Bars
SPN provides services throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Delaware.
SPN can sell you the accessibility equipment you need and ship it throughout the entire USA.
Grab Bars For Elderly
Grab bars are simply bars that can easily be installed in your toilet shower, bathtub, or anywhere in your home or business to help you move around more easily and provide support to help you safely stand or even sit down.
Grab bars are bars that you install in your shower or bathtub to help you move around
One concern seniors living at home often have is not being able to live independently. Even tasks like going to the bathroom or getting in and out of the shower sometimes require assistance. However, a small bathroom addition like grab bars located in strategic areas can boost independent living and allow seniors to do more things on their own. The more independent seniors living at home can be, the better their mental state usually is and they will be more willing to stay physically active
If you have weak knees, they will take some of the pressure off of rising from the commode
If you simply need something to lean on, these grab bars will provide just that, and best of all, they can go just about anywhere where there is a wall to hang them on
Grab bars are especially vital if you have elderly parents or relative living with you
Grab bars are a relatively inexpensive way to make bathing easier – allowing you to take care of your hygiene yourself and not have to ask for help to do that either
Grab bars have a simple design but are incredibly versatile and the most effective way to be safe in the bathroom. There are three different types of grab bars – vertical, horizontal and diagonal
If getting out of the shower or off the toilet is a problem, installing grab bars helps eliminate the problem while also reducing the risk of injury
Grab bars help to maintain balance while standing or maneuvering, assist in transferring into and out of the enclosure, and generally help to mitigate slips and falls
Accidents increase substantially and become more severe as someone gets older. Grab bars can be installed anywhere in the home or in a commercial setting
You can regain your confidence. Some people feel less dizziness in the shower. Knowing they have support they can count on when needed reduces their fear of a slip or fall. The confidence that they can take care of themselves in their own home longer is priceless
A grab bar that can swing up and out of the way is also convenient for using on the wall of a shower stall so that when an individual is entering the shower, this style of toilet safety bar can be pulled down into place and then pushed up and out of the way when the shower is finished
No matter what style of flip up, fold down, flip down, pull down, swing up or swing down grab bar you desire, be sure that it offers a hold weight that exceeds the individual who will be using it for support. In addition, make sure it is properly located for your needs and secured correctly to the walls